These legacy documents pertain to the Cheyenne-era supercomputer resources and are no longer maintained. They will be removed entirely on August 1, 2024.

Knowledge Base

This knowledge base is designed to help users of NCAR's supercomputing, data analysis, and visualization clusters.

Enter keywords in the search field to find articles related to common user issues and questions.

Help Desk

Don't find what you need? Log in here to submit a help request: NCAR Research Computing.

You need a CIT password to use the service desk. Call 303-497-2400 if you don't have one.

HPC user documentation


Authentication and security


Campaign Storage file system

Casper cluster

Cheyenne supercomputer

CISL HPC Allocations Panel

CMIP Analysis Platform

Data transfers and sharing

Derecho supercomputer

Getting started with NCAR systems

GLADE file spaces

Gust test system user guide

NCAR HPC User Group

New user orientation

Quasar archive for data collections

Software for HPC users

Stratus object storage system

Thunder test system

Tutorials for supercomputer users

User support

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