Requesting Travel Overview

When is a Travel Request Required?

A travel request is required for UCAR business travel when traveling more than 150 miles from the traveler's primary work location and/or staying overnight. This applies to all travel by UCAR employees, regardless of who is paying for the trip, and for all non-employee (visitor) travel paid with UCAR funds. Travel requests should be fully approved before travel begins.

Also, a travel request number is needed to book travel within Concur or through Cain Travel (UCAR’s approved travel agency). See the Travel policy and procedures for details.

Local Travel

Local travel is 150 miles or less from the traveler’s primary work location and without an overnight stay. A travel request is not required for local travel.

3-minute Requesting Travel Demo

Detailed Demo: Requesting and Booking Travel

Remember: Do not enter any sensitive or personally-identifiable information (such as birth dates, social security numbers, bank account numbers, etc.) into travel requests or expense reports.

You can add a second, optional approver to all of your travel requests if needed. This approval will occur after supervisor approval and before account key (cost object) approval. Submit a Jira ticket to the Concur service desk to add a second travel request approver.

Step-by-Step Requesting Travel Guide

A preliminary trip itinerary may help you enter the travel request. Either search within Concur or contact Cain Travel to get one.

Creating a Travel Request

Completing the Request Header

Access Concur. If accessing remotely, you may need to use your CIT credentials to log in. (You may want to bookmark this link for quick access to Concur next time – visit the Creating Bookmarks to Concur guide for details.)

Act as a delegate if entering this travel request on someone’s behalf. Refer to the Acting as a Delegate guide for details.

Start a travel request. There are a couple of ways to do this. One of the fastest is to use the task buttons along the top of your Concur home page. Hover your mouse over New and select Start a Request.

The Request Header appears.

Enter Trip Name. We recommend including the destination and trip dates in the trip name, along with the conference name (such as AGU) if applicable.

Select Trip Type. This will determine the object codes to which this request will encumber. Note: Travel outside the U.S. is considered international, regardless of the traveler’s home country.

Select how the trip will be booked. 

  • In Concur = Using Concur Travel or the Trip Search on your Concur home page. 
  • Through Cain Travel = Costs more than booking in Concur but offers travel agent-assisted bookings. Especially helpful for complex trips or group travel. 
  • Outside of Concur/Cain = Using another method to book than Concur or Cain, such as Travelocity or Expedia. 
  • No Booking = No booking is needed, such as when driving for the entire trip.

Enter the Final Destination. If traveling to multiple destinations, enter the furthest location.

Enter the Travel Start and End dates. Include personal travel time, if any. You can use the calendar (icon on right side of field) or enter manually as mm/dd/yyyy.

Select the Trip Purpose.

Enter the Event Code, if applicable. You can search by the code or the event title. If searching by code, select the Code radio button that appears along the top of the search results once you begin to type. Visit the Event Codes in the Visitor and Event Application guide for details about adding or editing event codes.

Enter the Business Justification. If more than 48 characters, enter “See attached” here and attach to the request in a later step.

Provide comments to the approver(s), if needed.

Check the Is this Trip Billable? box, if needed. Check this box if an organization outside of UCAR/NCAR will ultimately be paying for all or part of this trip, even though UCAR is paying for the trip expenses initially.

If this is a No Cost trip, instead refer to Billable and No-Cost Travel for guidance.

If someone other than the traveler is entering this request, select the individual. If you are the traveler, select “_Me” from the dropdown. Otherwise, select from the list of travel coordinators available. If you are a travel coordinator and your name is not listed, submit a Help Desk ticket to request the addition of your name.

Select whether this trip will contain personal travel and, if so, enter the Personal Travel Dates.

Enter the Division for the account key, and then the Account Key. The entire trip will be encumbered against this account key unless the expenses are allocated (done in a later step). Previously selected division-account key combinations will appear at the top of your list in bold font.

If needed, request a cash advance by entering the amount.

Click Save. The Save button is in the upper right of your screen.

Entering Expense Estimates

Click the Expenses tab. The Expenses tab is along the top left of your screen, below the request ID.

The Expenses page appears.

Enter per diem, if applicable. 

  • If traveling to one destination, select the Daily Meal Per Diem expense type from the list on the right. Then, click Save in the lower right of your screen. 
  • If traveling to multiple destinations, select the Multiple Per Diem Locations expense type from the list on the right. Enter the Destination City, # of Days, and Trip Type, then click Save in the lower right of your screen. Repeat for each destination. 
  • The per diem amount automatically calculates based on the Final Destination and Business Start and End Dates, as entered on the Request Header tab. Note: This is just an estimate for trip approval and encumbrance purposes. The actual per diem amount is calculated during trip reconciliation and reimbursement.

Enter the rest of the trip expense estimates.

Frequent trip expenses include:

  • Airfare
  • Lodging (hotel)
  • Rental cars and rental car gas
  • Conference registrations

Select the appropriate expense type from the list on the right, enter the trip type and any other needed information, and click Save in the lower right of your screen. Repeat the above step as many times as needed to completely estimate the expenses for this trip.

Allocating Expenses

Allocating expenses will encumber them to different account keys than the one entered on the Request Header tab.

On the Expenses tab, click on one expense listed in the left pane.

Click the Allocate button. The Allocate button is located in the lower right of the right-hand pane.

The Allocations window appears.

Check the box(es) of the expense(s) you wish to allocate. You can use the uppermost checkbox to select all expenses at once.

Click the Allocate Selected Expenses button. The Allocate Selected Expenses button is located in the upper left of the window.

Update the allocation for the selected expenses. The division and account key that appear here were entered on the Request Header tab. 

  1. To change the division and/or account key simply enter the new information. 
  2. To split account keys by percent enter the percentage of the amount to be encumbered against the account key and, if needed, change the account key. Repeat for each new allocation line until fully allocated. 
  3. To split account keys by amount use the Allocate By dropdown to select Amount. Enter the portion of the amount to be encumbered against the account key and, if needed, change the account key. Repeat for each new allocation line until fully allocated.

Click the Save button. The Save button is located in the lower right of the window.

The allocated expenses will have a pie-chart icon as part of the expense line. You can hover your mouse over the pie-chart icon to verify an expense’s allocation. Note: Expenses that don’t have the pie-chart icon will be encumbered against the account key entered on the Request Header tab.

You can attach additional documentation to this request, such as a detailed business justification or approval from an outside source. To do so, use the Attachments dropdown (upper right of your screen) to select Attach Documents.

Submitting the Travel Request

Send this request for approval by clicking the Submit Request button. (Visit Approvals In Concur for details about the approval flow and how to add additional approvers.)

You will briefly see a confirmation message before a list of active requests displays. The travel request will appear as an entry on this list. Each approver listed under the Approval Flow tab will receive an email notification when it is their time to approve this request. The travel request number is needed to book this trip in Concur or through Cain Travel.

A travel request should be entered and fully approved before the trip occurs. If that doesn’t happen, it's considered an After the Fact Travel request and requires an exception to procedure and President’s Council member's approval. Attach the exception to procedure, explaining the oversight, to the travel request. The appropriate President's Council member will automatically be added to the approval flow.