Preparing Expense Reports

When Preparing Your Own Expense Report

Forward emails of documents – either attached to the email or embedded in the email content – to

Use the Concur app to take pictures of your receipts.

Upload images directly into Concur.

Use your mobile device’s camera to take pictures of your receipts and email the pictures to

When Preparing an Expense Report for Someone Else

Forward emails of documents – either attached to the email or embedded in the email content – to Visit the Emailing Receipts on Someone’s Behalf guide for details.

Upload images directly into Concur.

Use your mobile device’s camera to take pictures of your receipts and email the pictures to Visit the Emailing Receipts on Someone’s Behalf guide for details.

Pictures of receipts taken with the Concur app appear as Available Expenses – they are not attached using these steps. Instead, visit the Adding Available Expenses guide for details.

Before sending emails to, you must first verify your email address(es). Visit the Verifying Your Email Address(es) section within the Updating Your Concur Profile guide for details.

You may have already completed this step by using the Concur app to add expenses. If so, continue to Step 4: Allocating Expenses.

Uploading Images into the Available Receipts Area

Begin by getting your receipts and other documents into electronic images. You can do this by scanning the document and then saving the resulting image file to your computer (or other appropriate area) where you can find it. Make sure that each image contains only one document.

If starting from your Concur home page:

First hover your mouse over the New task button and select Upload Receipts. You are then transferred to the Manage Expenses page.

From your Manage Expenses page:

Scroll to the Available Receipts area, then click the Upload Receipt Image tile.

In the resulting window, locate and select the image you want to upload.

Many common image formats are supported, including: .html, .jpeg, .jpg, .pdf, .png, .tif, and .tiff. All other formats cannot be uploaded into Concur.

You can attach multiple files at once, as long as they are saved in the same folder on your computer. Hold the Ctrl/Command button on your keyboard when selecting each file.

Click the Open button.

Each image will appear in the Available Receipts area once uploaded.

Repeat these steps as many times as needed until all of your images are in the Available Receipts area.

Attaching Images to Expenses

There are a couple of ways to attach images to an expense. This is one of the more common ways.

From within the expense report, select the expense. Click on the expense from the list on your screen.

Click Attach Receipt Image button. The Attach Receipt Image button appears in the pane to the right of the expense details.

The Attach Receipt pop-up appears.

If needed, view an image. Images that appear here are those that were uploaded into the Available Receipts area. Click the Image to see the receipt better.

You can increase and decrease the image’s size using the zoom in/out icons. 

Click the View All Receipts link in the upper left of the window to return to the list of images.

Select image. To select an image, click the circle (radio button) at the bottom of the image. You can also upload a new image from here by clicking the Upload Receipt Image button.

Attach image. Click the Attach button in the lower right of the pop-up.

The Attach Receipt pop-up disappears.

Verify the correct image is attached, and that the image is legible.

Detaching Images from Expenses

To detach an image from an expense:

Select the expense.

Click the Detach button below the image.

A confirmation pop-up appears. Select Yes.

The detached image is returned to your Available Receipts area.

Adding to Images Already Attached to Expenses

Adding an additional image to one that’s already attached to an expense is referred to as “appending”. Once appended, images cannot be separated.

To append an image to an expense’s existing one:

Select the expense.

Click the Append button below the existing image.

The Append pop-up appears. Select/upload the additional image.

Click the Append button in the lower right of the pop-up.

The expense’s attached image now has multiple pages.

Next Step

You have now added images of your receipts and other required documentation to your expense report. You are ready to continue to Step 4: Allocating Expenses.