Tips for Entering Event Requests
An event request is a way to create travel requests simultaneously for multiple travelers that are going on the same trip. Here are some things to keep in mind:
- Enter the event request under your profile, even if you aren’t one of the travelers. That way you can easily locate the travel requests generated from the event request.
- Complete the event request with only the details that apply to every traveler on this trip. Once generated, each travel request can be updated to reflect the details specific to each traveler.
- Each travel request will still need to be submitted by the traveler – or the traveler’s delegate – for approval.
Entering Event Requests
Access Concur. If accessing remotely, you may need to use your CIT credentials to log in. (You may want to bookmark this link for quick access to Concur next time – visit the Creating Bookmarks to Concur guide for details.)
Start an event request. Using the tabs along the top left of your screen, go to:
- Requests
- Create New
- New Event Request
Complete the Request Header and expenses with the details that pertain to all of the travelers. For example, enter the start date of the trip if each traveler is beginning the trip on the same day. If travelers are starting the trip on different days, don’t enter a start date on the event request and instead enter the trip start date separately on each traveler’s travel request. Refer to the Requesting Travel guide for guidance on these sections.
On the Request Header tab, list each traveler (including yourself, if appropriate) as attendees. Use the search box in the upper right of the Attendees section to add the travelers.
Once all travelers are listed as attendees, click the Generate & Notify button. The Generate & Notify button is above the traveler (attendee) search box, in the upper right of the Attendees section.
A travel request is created for each traveler.
Travelers will have their own travel request for the trip. Use each traveler’s individual travel request number, and not this event request number, to book travel in Concur or through Cain Travel.
Submitting the Resulting Travel Requests
Each travel request must be submitted before it can be approved. Each traveler can submit her/his own travel request. Or, if you are a Travel Coordinator for the traveler(s), you can act on their behalf and submit the travel request(s).
To Act on Behalf of a Traveler
On the Request Header tab of the event request, click the traveler’s Request ID.
You will be transferred to the traveler’s travel request. A green box will appear in the upper right of your screen, displaying the name of the traveler. You are now acting on behalf of the traveler.
Verify the trip details are accurate for this traveler. Now is the time to fill in any missing information.
If appropriate, set the approval flow and/or attach documentation. Refer to the Requesting Travel guide for guidance.
Click the Submit Request button, located in the upper right of your screen.
Stop acting on behalf of the traveler. Select the Acting as menu (green box in the upper right of your screen) and click the Done acting for others button.