Click the Add Expense button. The Add Expense button appears on the main expense report page, toward the upper left side of the screen.

Click the Create New Expense tab.

Select the Personal Car Mileage expense type. The recently used expense types appear at the top of the list. You may need to use the scroll bar to the right. Note: You can narrow the list of expense types by typing part of the name in the search field at the top of this section.

The Mileage Calculator appears.

Enter Waypoint A. Waypoint A is the starting location of the drive. Enter the street address, including city, state, and zip code.

Enter Waypoint B. Waypoint B is the ending location of the drive. Enter the street address, including city, state, and zip code.

Click the Calculate Route link. The Calculate Route button is to the right of the waypoint B field.

Continue adding waypoints until the entire route is listed. To have the starting location also be the ending location, click the Make Round Trip link.

Use the map to edit the route driven, if needed. The map on the right illustrates a possible route that was driven. To edit the route, click on the blue route line and drag it until the actual route is marked.

Click the Add Mileage to Expense button. The Add Mileage to Expense button is in the lower right of the Mileage Calculator window.

The New Expense screen appears.

Review and, if needed, update the details for this expense. The Transaction Amount automatically calculates based on the number of miles entered in the Mileage Calculator and the mileage reimbursement rate for the day of the drive.

Use the Mileage Calculator to revise the locations or distance, if needed.

Click the Save Expense button. The Save Expense button is in both the upper right and lower left of your screen.

The mileage expense appears in your expense report.