Table of Contents

Using Search Fields

Some fields require the use of a search to enter data. A search box appears when you click in the field.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • City (or location, or destination) searches often include airports in the list. However, it’s easiest to search by city. Begin your search by typing three characters. Continue typing characters to narrow your search results further.
  • Some search boxes have a filter option that appears to the left of the search box. These let you search using a couple pieces of data.
  • When searching by text, use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard that substitutes for part of the description. For example: Enter *ob to search for a division with “ob” somewhere in its name.
  • Your recently used selections appear at the top of the list, usually in bold font.

Itemizing Expenses

Expense itemization splits a single expense among multiple expense types (object codes).

To itemize an expense:

Begin by adding the expense to the expense report. See the New Expenses vs Available Expenses section, below, for more information.

Select one of the appropriate expense types for the expense and complete the details for the entire expense.

Click the Itemizations tab in the upper left of your screen.

Click the Create Itemization button and select from the dropdown one of the appropriate expense types; enter the needed information, and click the Save Itemization button.

The Remaining section indicates how much of the expense still needs to be itemized.

Repeat steps 4 and 5 until the expense is fully itemized.

New Expenses vs. Available Expenses

After clicking the Add Expense button, there are two tabs that add expenses to an expense report: the Available Expenses tab and the Create New Expense tab.

The method of payment for the expense determines which tab to use:

Expenses Paid by P-Card or T-Card

These transactions feed into Concur by our bank and are available in your Available Expenses area. Use the Available Expense tab for these. Visit the Adding P-Card Expenses or Adding Available Expenses guide for details.

Expenses Paid Personally (Out-of-Pocket)

Use the Create New Expense tab for these. Visit the Adding Out-of-Pocket Expenses guide for details.

Additionally, all receipt images taken with the Concur app, no matter their method of payment, are available expenses so use the Available Expenses tab for these, too. Visit the Adding Available Expenses guide for details.

Knowing the Signs

Concur uses symbols to give guidance when completing a request or an expense report:

Required Fields

A red asterisk to the right of a field’s label notes when a field must be completed. Blank required fields will not allow request or expense report submission.

Quick Help

Quick Help’s provide additional information about the field, such as definitions, procedures, and recommended formats. Click on the Quick Help icon for the information to briefly appear.

Exception Messages

Exceptions appear at the top of the request or expense report, as well as for an individual expense if applicable. A warning exception (yellow triangle) highlights something that needs attention, but does not prevent the request or expense report from submission.

Action Required

An Action Required exception (red circle) alerts when something must be corrected before the request or expense report can be submitted. In some cases, even after you have made the correction, the Action Required exception will not disappear until the request or expense report is submitted again.

Locating Old Expense Reports

Use the Report Library to access all of your expense reports:

Using the tabs along the top left of your screen, select Expense.

Use the Active Reports dropdown, along the top of the Report Library section, to select which expense reports you want to see.