The Travel expense report, in the Concur Travel & Expense System, is used to request reimbursement for travel-related expenses for a single trip. Refer to the Travel policy and procedures for details.

Access Concur. If accessing remotely, you may need to use your CIT credentials to log in. (You may want to bookmark this link for quick access to Concur next time – visit the Creating Bookmarks to Concur guide for details.)

Act as a delegate if creating this expense report on someone’s behalf. Refer to the Acting as a Delegate guide for details.

Start the expense report. While there are a few ways to start an expense report, Travel expense reports need to be started from the trip’s travel request. Using the tabs along the top left of your screen, select Requests. Locate the travel request from the list and click the Expense link to the right of the request.

The expense report appears.

Use the Report Details menu to select Report Header. The Report Details menu is in the upper left of your screen.

The Report Header appears with many of the fields filled in from the travel request. Review them and, if needed, update to reflect what actually happened during the trip.

Review/update Report Name. This is this Trip Name from the travel request. We recommend including the destination and trip dates in the trip name, along with the conference name (such as AGU) if applicable.

Review/update the Business Travel/Report Start and End dates. Update to reflect the actual business days of the trip, if needed.

Review/update Trip Type. This determines the object codes to which this expense report will be assigned. You can also select trip type for each expense during a later step. Note: Travel outside the U.S. is considered international, regardless of the traveler’s home country.

Review/update Report/Trip Purpose. Select from the dropdown list the purpose of the trip.

Review/Update How did you book your travel. Indicate how your travel arrangements were made in this section.

Review/update the Event Code, if applicable. Visit the Event Codes in the Visitor and Event Application guide for details about event codes.

Review/update the Business Justification.

Review/update the Travel Coordinator. If someone other than the traveler is entering this expense report, select the individual. If you are the traveler, select “_N/A (no travel coordinator)” from the dropdown. Otherwise, select from the list of travel coordinators available. If you are a travel coordinator and your name is not listed, submit a Concur Help Desk ticket to request the addition of your name.

Review/update whether this trip contained personal travel and, if so, the Personal Travel Dates. Indicate if the trip contained personal travel by indicating Yes/No from the personal travel dropdown. If so, enter the Personal Travel Dates.

If creating on behalf of a non-employee (visitor), select the Visitor Payee Method. When selecting EFT (for US banks) or Wire (for non-US banks) as the method: Be sure to also fill out and submit the appropriate EFT or Wire Transfer form. When selecting Check as the method: Verify the non-employee’s remittance address is accurate in the Visitor & Event Application. If the address needs updated, refer to the Creating & Updating Concur Profiles for Non-Employees guide for details.

Review/update any Special Instructions to Travel Office.

Enter the Division for the account key, and then the Account Key. If charging to multiple account keys, choose one to enter here. (The one used more often is a good choice.) You will then split account keys during the allocation step. Previously selected division-account key combinations will appear at the top of your list in bold font.

Review/update whether this trip is billable. Use the Billable dropdown to select Billable if an organization outside of UCAR/NCAR will ultimately be paying for all or part of this trip even though UCAR is paying for the trip expenses initially.

Provide comments to the approver(s), if needed. Enter comments that apply to the entire expense report here. Note: You will have an opportunity later to add comments to a specific expense.

Click the Save button. The Save button is in the lower right of your screen.

Submit one Travel expense report per trip after your trip is complete. While you can create the expense report and add trip expenses to it before your trip, the expense report cannot be submitted until after your trip.

Next Step

You have now created a Travel expense report. You are ready to continue to Step 2: Adding Expenses. There are several guides to help you complete this next step: