Learn how to determine a requisition’s status and which approvals are needed before the order is placed with the supplier.

A purchase requisition (PR) must complete the approval workflow before it turns into a purchase order (PO) and the order is placed with the supplier.

To determine a requisition's status, begin by locating the requisition ― see the Searching for Requisitions guide for details. The status appears under the General section of the requisition. 

The requisition’s status appears under the General section of the requisition.

Status Definitions

The requisition has completed approval workflow and the PO has been created. You can find the PO number and a link to the PO within the pane along the right side of your screen.

The requisition is still in the approval workflow (see below) and has not yet turned into a PO. The current approval step appears beneath the status. You can also view where the requisition is in the approval process within the pane along the right side of your screen.

The requisition has been cancelled by one of the Approvers and will never turn into a PO.

The requester has cancelled the requisition and it will not turn into a PO.

Requisition Approval Flow

The approval workflow of the requisition appears within the pane along the right side of your screen. 

This pane has its own scroll bar that only appears when you hover over the pane with your mouse.

UProcure automatically routes the requisition to the appropriate approver(s), as determined by several factors such as the requisition’s dollar amount, account key(s), and line item(s).


Approval Workflow Steps

PR Response and PR Validation

UProcure checks the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system (IFAS) system to make sure the account key(s), object code(s), and supplier record are active.

Lab/Center/Program/Office Approval

The lab/center/program/office Approver determines whether the purchase is allowable, allocable, and reasonable. These approvers have requisition authority in the Signature Authority application for the account key(s) and the respective dollar amount being charged to them for the purchase.

Executive Approval

Only needed for requisitions $2,500,000 and over, to also determine whether the purchase is allowable, allocable, and reasonable.

Exceptions Approval

Only needed if there are safety or tracking concerns, such as with hazardous materials, items shipped to a non-UCAR address, and export-controlled items.

Contracts Approval

Only needed for purchases of goods $10,000 and over and for purchases of services in any dollar amount to assess risk and liability.

Post PR Response and Post PR Validation

UProcure again checks IFAS to make sure the account key(s), object code(s), and supplier record are active.

Create PO

UProcure automatically creates the PO and, in most cases, distributes the PO to the supplier (via email, fax, or cXML).