The Payment Request expense report, in the Concur Travel and Expense System, is used to request reimbursement for non-travel expenses up to $500. It's also used to expense local travel-related expenses for which a travel request is not required (less than 150 miles one way and no overnight stay), and to reconcile Travel Coordinator T-Card charges for visitor travel costs. For example:

Payment Requests Overview


Create Expense Report

If possible, each expense report is for expenses incurred during the month. Learn how to create a Payment Request expense report.

Add Expenses

All expenses need to be added to an expense report.

Attach Receipts and Other Documents

Refer to Travel Procedures for receipt requirements.

Allocate Expenses

Assign, change, or split account keys for an expense. Learn how to allocate expenses.

Submit Expense Report

Certify the expense report is accurate and appropriate while sending it on for approval. Learn how to submit an expense report.

Do not enter or attach any sensitive or personally-identifiable information (such as birth dates, social security numbers, bank account numbers, etc.) into travel requests or expense reports.

Payment Request Best Practices

  • Employees should submit one Payment Request expense report per month. Unrelated expenses can go on the same expense report.
  • When reconciling visitor related travel expenses on a Travel Coordinator’s T-Card, include the visitor’s approved travel request in the Request ID field when adding the transaction to the expense report.
  • If a Payment Request expense report is for non-travel or local travel expenses, leave the Request ID field blank. Please do not enter “N/A” or “local” in the Request ID field as that creates a system integration failure which requires manual intervention by the AP team.
  • All food-related expenses utilizing direct/indirect funds must have an itemized receipt, agenda, participant list, and Food & Beverage Questionnaire attached to the expense report.
  • Payment Request expense reports for visitors must have a visitor certification attached to the expense report.
  • Enter each receipt as a separate expense on the expense report. For example, if you have five parking receipts then you should have five corresponding parking expenses on the expense report.