Access the Visitor and Event application. You can also access it from the Company Notes section of your Concur home page. 

Only someone in the Travel Coordinator role can access the Visitor and Event application.

Begin to search for the participant. Using the menu on the left, click the View/Edit link under the Traveler section.

Search for the participant. You can search by the participant’s name or ID. Enter at least two characters to begin the search. The more characters you enter, the shorter your list of results will become.

Select the individual and click the Search button. If the individual doesn’t appear, a participant profile must be created. Instead, refer to the Creating Concur Profiles for Participants guide.

Click the Edit link. The Edit link is to the right of the participant’s name. See a View link instead of Edit? If so, this individual is considered an employee and updates to her/his personal information should be submitted to UCAR’s Human Resources.

The participant’s Visitor & Event application profile appears.

Use the Profile section to maintain the participant’s name, home institution, and federal employee status. Click the Save button when done updating this section. 

To update the participant’s last name, submit a Concur Help Desk ticket.

Use the Address section to maintain the participant’s remit address.

Only the address with an address type of Remit Address 1 will be available for reimbursement purposes. If desired, you can enter more addresses for your own use. To update an existing address, click the Edit button to the right of the address. To add a new address, click the Add Address button in the upper right of the Address section to begin.

If desired, use the Emails section to maintain the participant’s email address(es). Note: This area is for your own use and will not sync with Concur. To update an existing email address, click the Edit button to the right of the email. To add a new email address, click the Add Email button in the upper right of the Email section to begin. To remove an email address, click the Delete button to the right of the email.

If desired, enter the participant’s phone number(s). Note: This area is for your own use and will not sync with Concur. To update an existing phone number, click the Edit button to the right of the number. To add a new phone number, click the Add Email button in the upper right of the Phone section to begin. To remove a phone number, click the Delete button to the right of the number.

Updates to the participant’s name will be visible in Concur immediately.