Living Allowance Overview
Visitors to UCAR/NCAR/UCP are eligible to receive a Living Allowance to support duplicative living costs associated with their participation in a collaborative visit. Living Allowances are not to be used for the payment of services. Payment for services should be paid through payroll or a consulting agreement.
- The Living Allowance amount may not exceed the allowable GSA rate for the city they are visiting (Lodging+M&IE). The M&IE component for the first and last day of the assignment period should be calculated at 75%.
- Living Allowances are not reportable/taxable.
- Visitors may claim up to the max GSA rate including lodging for the city they are visiting and no lodging receipts are needed.
- Employees of UCAR are not eligible for Living Allowances.
- The visitor must maintain ties to their employer/home institution while visiting UCAR/NCAR/UCP.
- The visitor must financially maintain a permanent residence (See “Tax Home” section of Living Allowance Affidavit for more information) other than the location they will be living during their visit to UCAR
- By the end of their visit, their continuous time away from their permanent residence (tax home) must be for a period of less than 12 months. At such time as the visit is anticipated to exceed one year, the visitor is no longer eligible for a Living Allowance and instead may claim a taxable stipend.
- Their visit location must be outside commuting distance of the visitor’s permanent residence.
- To receive a Living Allowance the visitor must complete and submit a Living Allowance Affidavit.
Living Allowance Affidavit
A revised Living Allowance Affidavit has been created based on guidance from our tax advisers ensuring UCAR has done their due diligence:
- In ensuring duplicity of living costs.
- That the assignment is temporary.
- That the visitor is continuing to have ties to their “home” location.
In the event a visitor isn’t eligible for a Living Allowance they may claim a stipend.