Table of Contents

Creating Event Codes

Event codes can be used to track expenses for an event across account keys. Events are maintained by Travel Coordinators within UCAR’s Visitor and Event Application, which is also used to maintain profiles of our non-employees for reimbursement.

Access the Visitor and Event Application. One way to access it is from the Company Notes section of your Concur home page – we call this area our Concur Dashboard. Note: Only someone in the Travel Coordinator role can access the Visitor and Event Application.

Begin creating an event. Using the menu on the left, click the Create link under the Events section.

The Create Event screen appears.

Enter the event’s name.

Enter the event’s Start and End Date. Either enter the date directly, or use the calendar by clicking the Calendar button to the right of the field.

Enter the event’s Location. Enter the city and state where the event it to take place.

(optional) Select the Division/Program from the dropdown. You can shorten the list by entering the first couple characters of the division’s name.

(optional) Enter notes about the event.

Click the Create button. The Create button is located in the lower left corner of your screen.

A success message appears, along with the new event code. This appears at the top of the Event screen.

The event code will be available in Concur immediately after saving the event.

Searching for Event Codes

Access the Visitor and Event Application. One way to access it is from the Company Notes section of your Concur home page – we call this area our Concur Dashboard. Note: Only someone in the Travel Coordinator role can access the Visitor and Event Application.

Begin to search for the event. Using the menu on the left, click the View/Edit link under the Events section.

Search for the event. Enter information in at least one field to begin your search. If searching by event name or event code, enter at least three characters. The more criteria you enter, the shorter your list of results will become.

Click the Search button. The Search button is in the lower left corner of the search screen.

A list of results appears based on the search criteria you entered.

Editing Event Information

Most details of an event, except the event code itself, can be updated: name, dates, location, division/program, and notes.

Search for the event.

Click the Edit button.

Make changes to the event.

Click the Save button.

Copying Events

You can easily create event codes for similar events by copying an event.

Search for the event to be copied.

Click the Copy to Create button.

Change the event details to reflect the new event.

Click the Create button.