Per diem is added to an expense report by claiming travel allowance. More information about per diem is available in the UCAR Travel procedures

Use the Report Details menu to select Manage Travel Allowance. The Report Details menu is in the upper left of your screen.

The Travel Allowances window appears.

Create New Itinerary.

For trips booked in Concur or through Cain Travel, import the itinerary and skip to step 8. Click the Import Itinerary button, check the appropriate trip, and click the Import button.

Enter the departure details for the first “stop” of the trip – in other words, when the trip began. Under the New Itinerary Stop area, enter the Departure City, Date, and Time for the start of the trip. A list of previously-selected cities may appear. In the first Time field, enter the time the trip began. You can use either AM and PM (with no periods) or the 24-hour clock (military time).

Enter the location of the first night’s stay as the arrival details for the first “stop” of the trip. This may not be the final trip destination, but rather an overnight stay along the way. Repeat for the Arrival City, Date, and Time. Concur automatically enters the departure date as the arrival date. If this is not accurate, enter the correct date. When entering the arrival time, there's no need to adjust for time zone differences – use the actual arrival time.

Click the Save button. The Save button is in the lower right side of your window.

Every time the location of an overnight stay changes it should be entered as a “stop”. Continue entering “stops” until the trip itinerary is complete. Repeat steps 4-6 for each “stop” (i.e., different overnight stay). The arrival details for the last “stop” should document the end of the trip. Hint for one-way trips without overnight stays: As the second “stop”, enter the arrival city into the itinerary as both the departure and arrival cities.

Review the itinerary in the left pane and update as needed. Select an itinerary row to make changes to an existing “stop.” You can also delete rows or add “stops” if needed. Be sure to click the Save button to save your changes.

Once the itinerary is complete in the left pane, click the Next button. The Next button is in the lower right of your window.

You are taken to Step 2: Available Itineraries. The itinerary is automatically assigned to the expense report; simply click the Next button. The Next button is in the lower right of your window.

You are taken to Step 3: Expenses & Adjustments. Check any meals that are not eligible for per diem. The per diem amounts are calculated on a daily basis, with the first and last days of the trip allowed a maximum 75% of the daily per diem rate. Meals provided by another source – for example, lunch provided by the conference or breakfast provided by the hotel – are not eligible for that portion of per diem. Note: Check the Exclude box (along left side of window) to remove per diem for an entire day.

Click the Create Expenses button to add these per diem amounts to the expense report. The Create Expenses button is in the lower right of the window.

Expensing Per Diem (Travel Allowance) Meals Paid with the T-Card

T-Card expenses are paid directly with UCAR funds. So the reimbursement must be decreased to reflect the amount UCAR has already paid for the per diem meals. This is done by identifying each T-Card per diem meal expense as a personal expense.

Begin by adding the T-Card per diem meal expenses to the expense report if not already done. (Visit the Adding Available Expenses guide for details.)

Select one of the T-Card meal expenses from the list of expenses.

Use the Expense Type dropdown to select Actual Meal Cost (personal expense).

Do not attach receipts to this expense.

Click the Save Expense button.

Repeat for each T-Card meal expense for this trip.

If the T-Card meal expenses exceed the reimbursement for this trip, the traveler may need to reimburse UCAR. An exception will appear at the top of the expense report if this is the case.