Some expenses may already be in Concur, waiting to be added to an expense report. They appear in the Available Expenses area within Concur until they are added to an expense report. These are purchases that are paid via the Travel Card (T-Card), Purchase Card (P-Card) and Lodge Card (primarily airfare). They also include images of receipts taken with the Concur app. P-Card charges need to be reconciled on a P-Card Expense Report

Adding Available Expenses to Expense Reports

Remember to wait for T-Card and airfare expenses to appear in Concur, as available expenses, before adding them to the expense report.

Click the Add Expense button. The Add Expense button appears on the main expense report page, toward the upper left of your screen.

Make sure you are on the Available Expenses tab.

If desired, sort the list by column header to group expenses. For example, if both T-Card and P-Card expenses appear, sort the list by payment type so each card’s expenses are grouped together. Or, if there are expenses for multiple trips, it might be helpful to sort the list by date.

Check the box for each expense you would like to add to this expense report. Want to check all of the expenses at once? Check the uppermost box, next to the Payment Type column heading, and all boxes will check simultaneously. 

If a card charge and receipt image for the same expense appear as separate lines, check them both and add them to the expense report. You’ll be able to combine them in a future step.

Note: Additional information, which sometimes includes a receipt image, is available by clicking directly on the expense. Click the Close button to return to the list of available expenses.

Add the expense(s) to the expense report. Click the Add to Report button in the lower right of your screen.

The added expense(s) now appear on the expense report.

Did you use the Concur app to take a picture of your receipt? If so, some of these next steps might already be done for you. If not, learn about the Concur app.

If a card charge and receipt image for the same expense appear as separate lines, combine them now. Check the box to the left of each line, then click the Combine Expenses button.

Select an expense to edit its detail. The goal is to complete the detail for each expense so all Action Required alerts (red exclamation icons) go away.

Select the appropriate expense type. You can use the Expense Type dropdown to display the list of types. Or, type in the field and the resulting list will display only those expense types that contain what you entered. The screen may again change based on the expense type selected. (The expense type determines what information is required, and therefore which fields appear.)

Enter the required information for the expense. Visit the Tips for Working in Concur guide for guidance on the standard expense fields, exceptions, and itemizing expenses. Note: Lodging and per diem expenses each have a separate guide you can review.

You can attach receipts and other needed documentation to the expense now or later in the process. Visit the Attaching Receipts & Other Documents guide for details.

Click the Save Expense button. The Save Expense button is in both the upper right or lower left of your screen.

Repeat for every expense added to this expense report.

Next Step

Continue adding any additional expenses to the report.

There are several guides to help you with this:

Once all expenses have been added, continue to Step 3: Attaching Receipts and Other Documents.