Table of Contents

Your profile within Concur stores your personal travel information – some of which the federal Transportation Security Administration (TSA) requires to fly – and travel preferences. Your Concur Profile is used when booking your travel either in Concur or via Cain Travel. Ultimately, you are responsible for keeping your Concur Profile up to date. Your Travel Coordinator (also known as a delegate or travel arranger) can help you update this information if appropriate.

Do you have a profile with Cain Travel? If so, Cain will automatically upload your profile into Concur for you. You should still review your Concur Profile to make sure it's up to date.

Accessing Your Concur Profile

Begin by accessing Concur. If accessing remotely, you may need to use your CIT credentials to log in. (You may want to bookmark this link for quick access to Concur next time – visit the Creating Bookmarks to Concur guide for details.)

Click your Profile menu in the upper right corner of your screen.

Click on the Profile Settings link.

Click the Personal Information link, at the top of the menu along the left side of your screen.

Required Information

Three pieces of information are required. The remainder is at your discretion to complete. The first time you update your Concur Profile, you need to ensure all three required pieces of information are complete before you save. You can then update and save each section individually as needed.

  1. Your Name: Verify that how your name appears in this section matches the government-issued photo ID (such as driver’s license or passport) you will present to airport security. If a change is needed to your first or last name, email your request to
  2. Contact Information: Enter either a Work phone or Home phone. (Both are noted as required, but only one must be provided.)
  3. TSA Secure Flight: Select your gender and enter your date of birth. Once all three pieces of information are complete, click the Save button (one is at the bottom of most sections) to save your changes.

Verifying Your Email Address(es)

Now is a great time to verify your email address(es). Your trip itineraries, for trips booked in Concur or through Cain Travel, will be emailed to each address listed in this section. You can also email receipts directly into Concur using these email addresses. (Visit the Working in Your Available Receipts Area guide for details on emailing receipts once your email address(es) are verified.)

A few things to note about verifying email addresses:

  • You should verify each email address from which you plan to email your receipts.
  • You only need to verify each email address once.
  • An email address can only be verified for one Concur user. So, you probably don’t want to verify an email address that has multiple users (such as a copier) or else you might see another’s receipts in your Available Receipts area.


Select your Profile menu in the upper right corner of your screen, then click the Profile Settings link.

Select Email Addresses from the menu along the left side of your screen.

If the appropriate email address isn’t listed, click the [+] Add an email address link (right side of screen). Enter the email address in the field that appears, indicate whether you want Concur travel notifications sent, and click the OK link.

The email address now appears in the list with a status of Not Verified.

Click the Verify link.

A confirmation message appears; click OK.

Retrieve the Email Verification email sent from Concur. The email contains a code that you will need to enter in Concur. If you prefer, you can copy the code from the email by highlighting it and then pressing the copy shortcut (Ctrl+C) on your keyboard.

Go back to Concur and enter the code. If you copied the code from the email, click in the field and then press the paste shortcut (Ctrl+V) on your keyboard.

Click OK.

Your email address now has a status of Verified. You may now use this email address to send receipts to Concur.

Travel Preferences

Completion of this section of your Concur Profile is optional but highly recommended to streamline the travel booking process.

Use this section to identify your:

  • Air Travel Preferences such as seat (aisle or window), section (front or back of plane), and departure airport;
  • Hotel Preferences such as room type (king or queen bed), smoking preference, accessibility needs, and amenities;
  • Car Rental Preferences such as car type (economy or mid-size), smoking preference, and car transmission (automatic or manual); and,
  • Frequent-traveler and Advantage programs.

Passports and Visas

Completion of this section of your Concur Profile is optional but highly recommended to streamline the travel booking process.

One of the last sections of your Concur Profile is the International Travel section. Enter your passport and/or visa details to aid in your travel reservations.

Credit Cards

Completion of this section of your Concur Profile is optional but highly recommended to streamline the travel booking process.

Enter your T-Card (Travel Card) in this section so it can be used to reserve hotels and rental cars within Concur. You can also assign your T-Card as the default card for these reservations. (Airfare booked in Concur – or through Cain Travel – is automatically charged to UCAR’s Lodge Card so you don’t need to assign your TCard as the default for plane tickets.)