How to pin MPI processes to CPU cores depends on if the programs are pure MPI programs, hybrid MPI, or OpenMP programs. This PBS Pro job script documentation includes examples of how commands mentioned below are used.

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Pure MPI programs (MPI only, no threads)

For pure MPI programs, the mpiexec_mpt launcher automatically pins MPI processes to CPU cores. This ensures that processes do not migrate between the CPUs on a node during a run and results in better performance.

Hybrid MPI + OpenMP programs

The omplace command is an HPE wrapper script for use with multithreaded MPI programs. Used in conjunction with the mpiexec_mpt launcher, the omplace script pins processes and threads to the CPUs and ensures optimal memory locality and performance.

Put the omplace command between the mpiexec_mpt command and your executable, as in this example.

mpiexec_mpt omplace ./a.out