Users schedule jobs to run on the Cheyenne supercomputer by submitting them through the PBS Pro workload management system as described below.

Cheyenne and Casper users can also submit PBS jobs from one system to another and craft job-dependency rules between jobs on both systems. Review this documentation to learn how to use those capabilities. Also see Propagating environment settings to a PBS job for a description of a related change that was made when the capabilities were introduced.

To submit jobs to run on Casper data analysis and visualization nodes, see this documentation instead.

Common causes of job failures

Page contents

PBS job basics

Batch jobs

To submit a batch job to the Cheyenne queues, use the qsub command followed by the name of your PBS batch script file.

qsub script_name

Alternative - qcmd: For running resource-intensive tasks such as CESM and WRF builds or other compiles with three or more threads, CISL provides qcmd. This script starts a non-interactive job on a single batch node in the Cheyenne "regular" queue with a default wall-clock time of 1 hour. The first CESM example below uses the default settings. The second shows how to specify a longer wall-clock time if needed.

qcmd -- ./
qcmd -l walltime=12:00:00 -- ./

Output from the build script is printed to the user's terminal window.

Interactive jobs

To start an interactive job on Cheyenne, use the qsub command as in this example, which includes a select statement.

qsub -X -I -l select=1:ncpus=36:mpiprocs=36 -l walltime=01:00:00 -q regular -A project_code

Alternative - qinteractive: You can start an interactive job in the share queue for one hour by executing the CISL "qinteractive" script. The script is available if the ncarenv environment module is loaded, as it is by default.

qinteractive -X

You can also customize the job by including additional arguments, as in this example:

qinteractive -X -l select=2:ncpus=10:mpiprocs=10

Be sure to include -X as shown in the examples in order to use X11. This assumes yologged in with -X (or -Y) as well.

Specifying a project code

If you have more than one project to which you can charge your work, specify which project to charge by setting your PBS_ACCOUNT environment variable to the appropriate project code. Otherwise, the system will choose a project code randomly. You can set that in youstart files for convenience.

Resource requests and restrictions

Some resource requests and restrictions are specified "per chunk" in a select statement. On Cheyenne, a chunk generally means a node, and your select statement defines the resources you need on each node. The first select statement in the interactive example above requests one chunk of resources and specifies the number of CPUs and MPI processes on the node.

Here are some additional examples.

Per-chunk resource exampleTypeDescription

-l select=1:mpiprocs=36


Specify the number of MPI tasks you wish to utilize with the loaded MPI library

-l select=1:ncpus=36


Specify the number of CPUs you wish to use on the node

-l select=1:ompthreads=36


Specify the number of OpenMP threads to start on the node (defaults to ncpus if not set explicitly)

-l select=1:vmem=1GB


Limit the amount of virtual memory for use by all concurrent processes on the node

Other resources are "global," which means that they affect all running processes/threads that you request for the job. Cheyenne jobs require a walltime request in the format shown, but resource restrictions are optional.

If a global resource restriction is exceeded during program execution, the job is terminated.

Global resource exampleTypeDescription

-l cput=10:00


Limit the amount of CPU time a job can use across all CPUs

-l file=1GB


Limit the maximum size of any single file that the job can create

-l pcput=10:00


Limit the amount of CPU time the job can use on each CPU

-l pmem=2GB


Limit the amount of physical memory that any single process can use

-l pvmem=2GB


Limit the amount of virtual memory that the job can use

-l walltime=01:00:00


Specify the amount of wall-clock time (hours:minutes:seconds) that the job can use (up to the queue limit)

Job scripts

Create your job script after you carefully consider: the system's usable memory and your program's memory requirements, which queue to specify, wall-clock time, and other parameters:

Your PBS job script can be no larger than 10 MB. Larger scripts, such as those that encode decadal climate data, should be modified to invoke a separate data encoding script.

Usable memory – The system's usable memory and how to specify your memory requirements in a job script are discussebelow. To determine how much memory your program requires to run, seChecking memory use.

Job queues – Determinwhich queue is most appropriate for your job. Provide accurate wall-clock times to help fit your job into the earliest possible run opportunity.

Output and error logs 

  • DO – Include the -k eod option to force output and error logs to be written to your GLADE working directory rather than stored by default in /tmp, which can fill and cause your job to fail without giving you clear error information. The programs and scripts you run in your batch job may produce large amounts of text output, especially when debugging errors. When you write those logs to GLADE instead of /tmp, the file size limit depends only on your disk quota. Run gladequota to check on your use of space.
  • DO NOT – Don't write unwanted log and error output to restricted targets such as /dev/null/dev/shm/var/tmp, or /var/spool/pbs. The result will be an error message and rejection of your job. Direct any unwanted output files to your own /glade/scratch space and either delete them or wait for them to be purged.

Following is an example of a basic PBS script for running an MPI job. Each line that begins with #PBS is a PBS directive. Customize this and other sample scripts by substituting your own job name, project code, queue specification, email address, and so on where indicated.

### bash users replace /tcsh with /bash -l
#PBS -N job_name
#PBS -A project_code
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
#PBS -q queue_name
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -k eod
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -M your_email_address
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=36:mpiprocs=36

### Set TMPDIR as recommended
setenv TMPDIR /glade/scratch/$USER/temp
### bash users: export TMPDIR=/glade/scratch/$USER/temp
mkdir -p $TMPDIR

### Run the executable
mpiexec_mpt ./executable_name.exe

The select statement directive in the example indicates that the job requires:

  • 2 chunks of resources (on non-shared Cheyenne queues, this is 2 nodes)
  • 36 cores or individual processors (ncpus=36) on each node
  • 36 MPI processes (mpiprocs=36) on each node.

CISL recommends that users set TMPDIR when running batch jobs on the Cheyenne compute nodes, as explained here: Storing temporary files with TMPDIR.

The mpiexec_mpt command is a wrapper script that sends information from PBS to the HPE Message Passing Toolkit (MPT), which includes the HPE MPI library. With some manual configuration, you can use mpirun instead. See Intel MPI and Open MPI.

Specifying use of large-memory nodes

Cheyenne nodes have either 64 GB of total memory (45 GB usable) or 128 GB of total memory (109 GB usable). If you need to ensure that a job runs on the large-memory nodes, include mem=109GB in your select statement as in this example. Do not include it if you are submitting a job to the "share" queue.

#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=36:mpiprocs=36:mem=109GB

Specify the use of large-memory nodes only when your job requires it. Limiting the types of nodes you can use can extend your wait time in the queue.

Loading modules in a batch script

Users sometimes need to executmodule commands from within a batch job – to load an application, for example, or to load or remove other modules.

To ensure that the module commands are available, insert the following in your batch script if you need to include module commands.

In a tcsh script:

source /etc/profile.d/modules.csh

In a bash script:

source /etc/profile.d/

Once that is included, you can add the module purge command to your script if necessary, then load just the modules that are needed to establish the software environment your job requires.

Using a login environment on batch nodes

It is possible to use the login environment for some jobs that you run on the Cheyenne system's exclusive-use batch nodes. For example, you might want to compile your code in the system's "regular" queue as opposed to the "share" queue, which limits jobs to using no more than 18 cores. Another job might need to use libraries that are available by default only on the login nodes and you also need to use more than 18 cores.

To run such a job on the batch nodes but using the login node environment, include this resource request as a PBS directive in your job script, or add it to your qsub command:

-l inception=login