The entire cash advance, including the return of any unused portion, must be reconciled with the other trip expenses on the same expense report.

  • The expense report should include all relevant expenses, including those paid by T-Card, direct billed to UCAR, paid personally by the traveler, and those to be billed to another organization.
  • Enter expenses paid with cash advance funds as out-of-pocket expenses.
  • The completed expense report may result in a reimbursement to the traveler, or in the traveler owing money to UCAR.

Assigning Cash Advances

In most cases, outstanding advances are automatically assigned to the appropriate expense reports. The Cash Advance box appears above the list of expenses when an advance has been assigned.

Manually Assign Cash Advance to Expense Report

If an advance isn’t automatically assigned to an expense report, you can manually assign it.

Use the Report Details menu in the upper left of your screen to select Manage Cash Advances

Click the Add button, check the box for the appropriate advance, and click the Add to Report button. 

Click the Close button. 

The Cash Advance box now appears above the list of expenses.

Returning Unused Cash Advances

The entire cash advance amount must be reconciled on this expense report (i.e., the remaining amount in the Cash Advance box above the list of expenses must equal $0). If there's a remaining advance amount after all expenses have been entered, enter a Cash Advance Return expense. 

To do so:

Click the Add Expense button.

Go to the Create New Expense tab.

Select the Cash Advance Return expense type.

Enter the current date as the expense date.

Enter the Cash Advance Remaining balance as the expense amount.

Click the Save Expense button.

Use the Report Details menu in the upper left of your screen to select Report Totals. The Total Owed by Employee is the amount of reimbursement due to UCAR.

Submit the expense report for approval.

The Travel Office will contact you regarding returning the unused funds. You can return funds via check or EFT. If writing a check, reference the travel request ID in the memo line.