Table of Contents

Delegates: A Note about Emails

Two areas determine whether delegates receive emails on behalf of those for whom they delegate:

  1. First, your delegators identify whether you can receive emails on their behalf. This is done when they identify their delegates, with the Receives Emails checkbox.
  2. If your delegators check the Receives Emails box, then your own email preferences come into play. Your email preferences determine the emails you receive about your own travel requests and expense reports, as well as the emails you receive about the requests and reports of your delegators. If you opt out of an email, then you will not receive that email for either yourself or your delegators.

You can set the email preferences for delegators by first acting on their behalf. This determines whether delegators receive emails about their own travel requests and expense reports.

Request Preferences

Some of your travel request emails are set within your Request Preferences.

Once logged into Concur, click your Profile menu in the upper right corner of your screen.

Then, click on the Profile Settings link. 

Using the menu along the left side of your screen, click the Request Preferences link.

Check the box(es) to receive emails when:

  • The status of your travel requests have changed (such as approved by supervisor and approved by budget approver); and,
  • Your travel requests have been submitted for approval.

Click the Save button when ready.

Expense Preferences

Emails about your expense reports are set within your Expense Preferences.

Once logged into Concur, click your Profile menu in the upper right corner of your screen.

Then, click on the Profile Settings link. 

Using the menu along the left side of your screen, click the Expense Preferences link.

Check the box(es) to receive emails when:

  • The status of your expense reports have changed (such as approved by budget approver and approved by the Travel office); and,
  • Your expense reports have been submitted for approval.

If you are a P-Card (Purchasing Card) or T-Card (Travel Card) cardholder, you may want to receive emails when “New company card transactions arrive,” in other words when your card transactions have been uploaded by the bank into Concur. This can be helpful if you seldom use your card(s).

Do not check the remaining boxes.

Click the Save button when ready.

System Settings

Some more of your trip and travel request emails are set within your System Settings.

Once logged into Concur, click your Profile menu in the upper right corner of your screen.

Then, click on the Profile Settings link. 

Using the menu along the left side of your screen, click the System Settings link.

Check the box(es) to receive emails:

  • To confirm when your trip is booked in Concur or through Cain Travel (if booked in Concur, you will receive two confirmation emails – uncheck this box to only receive one email);
  • When your trip booked in Concur or through Cain Travel is ticketed; and,
  • When your trip is cancelled.

If you are an approver, you may also want to receive emails about travel requests in your approval queue.

Click the Save button when ready.

Your System Settings only apply to emails about your own travel requests and expense reports. You cannot receive these emails on behalf of your delegators.