E-receipts are electronic versions of your receipts delivered directly into Concur for you. Only participating suppliers, such as select hotels and rental car agencies, offer them. When booking travel in Concur, look for the “e-receipt enabled” tag to identify the suppliers that offer e-receipts.

Access Concur. If accessing remotely, you may need to use your CIT credentials to log in. (You may want to bookmark this link for quick access to Concur next time – visit the Creating Bookmarks to Concur guide for details.)

From your Concur home page, locate the e-receipt alert and click the Sign up here link.

If the e-receipt alert doesn’t appear:

  • Click your Profile menu in the upper right corner of your screen.
  • Click the Profile Settings link.
  • Click the E-Receipt Activation link, toward the bottom of the menu along the left side of your screen.

Click the E-Receipt Activation link.

The E-Receipt Activation and Use Agreement window appears.

Review the agreement.

If you agree to the agreement, click the Accept button.

A confirmation message appears.

You will not need to attach receipts for those expenses with e-receipts. E-receipts attach automatically to expenses.