Concur has many reports available to support your needs. These reports provide details about transactions in Concur, including card expenses, travel requests, and expense reports. Supervisors automatically have reporting access in Concur for data involving their direct and indirect employees. While it is based on Cognos, we refer to it here as "Concur Intelligence" to avoid confusion with UCAR's Cognos BI reporting tool. 

Cognos BI, UCAR's reporting tool, also has reports available. These reports provide details about travel finances from transactions in IFAS. Ask your lab/center/program/office administrator for access.

Available Reports

This report shows all credit card expenses, including P-Card, T-Card, and Lodge (airfare) Card, that have not been assigned to or submitted on an expense report.

  • This report is available in Concur under the Credit Cards folder. (You may first need to select the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research folder.) It automatically runs in an Excel format with three tabs of data.
  • The Total tab provides a graphic representation of the dollar amount of expenses by payment type per aging bucket.
  • The Summary tab lists the dollar amount in each aging bucket by payment type for each traveler/cardholder.
  • The Detail tab expands the Summary tab's information by including individual expenses.

This report is similar to the Aging - All Corp Card Charges report above but only includes P-Card expenses that have not been assigned to or submitted on an expense report.

  • This report is available in Concur under the Credit Cards folder. (You may first need to select the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research folder.)

Similar to the Travel Requests Needing to be Expensed report below, this report lists all open travel requests. However, this report shows the open travel requests in IFAS and therefore reflects encumbrances. (A travel request remains open in IFAS until out-of-pocket expenses are fully approved on the expense report.) It includes the request's traveler, account key and object code, trip dates, request ID, final destination, and remaining encumbrance.

  • This report is available in Cognos BI. You are prompted to select a division or account key, with the option to enter a travel request ID. Click the Finish button to run in a HTML format.
  • To close a travel request in IFAS so the encumbrance is released, submit a ticket to the service desk.

This report lists card expenses for the specified time period. It includes the expense's transaction and posted dates, merchant, amount, payment type, and traveler/cardholder. For expenses assigned to an expense report, the report name is also included.

  • This report is available in Concur under the Credit Cards folder. (You may first need to select the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research folder.) You are prompted to select which cards to include, with the option to select the posted date range. Click the Finish button to run in an Excel format.
  • The data is sorted numerically by the first column (reference number). To find expenses for a specific individual, sort by either the Traveler or Traveler ID column.

Similar to the Report Detail report below, this report lists all fully approved travel expense reports grouped by account key. However, this report also contains all travel expenses paid with a P-Card (as long as the travel request ID was entered during reconciliation) and directly billed to UCAR. It includes the traveler's name, request ID, final destination, trip dates, object code, remaining encumbrance, and amount paid.

  • This report is available in Cognos BI. You are prompted to select a division or account key, fiscal year, and fiscal year month. Click the Finish button to run in a HTML format.
  • This report's date range is from October 1 of the selected fiscal year to the last day of the selected month of that same fiscal year. For example, select June 2017 for a date range of October 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017.

This report is similar to the Division Travel by Account report above but with expenses grouped by traveler instead of account key. It's available in Cognos BI.

This report lists all travel expenses in the IFAS general ledger (GL), including those paid with a P-Card (as long as the travel request ID was entered during reconciliation) and directly billed to UCAR, related to a specific travel request. It includes the expense's description, account key and object code, trip start date, post date into IFAS, check number, batch ID, and amount.

  • This report is available in Cognos BI
  • You are prompted to enter a single travel request number. 
  • Click the Finish button to run in a HTML format.

Similar to the Division Travel by Account report above, this report lists details for all fully approved expense reports. However, this report contains expenses from all expense reports (not just travel) and may not fully reflect expenses that were directly billed to UCAR. It includes the expense report's name and key, traveler, trip purpose and justification, trip type, request ID, event code, comments, division and account key, payment type, approval status and payment status, in addition to the expense's type, date, purpose, PO/request number, amount, and merchant.

  • This report is available in Concur under the Report Information folder. (You may first need to select the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research folder.) 
  • All prompts are optional. 
  • You can limit your list of results by selecting the division(s), request ID(s), traveler(s), report key(s), event code(s), sent for payment date range, and/or expense type(s). 
  • Click the Finish button to run in an Excel format.
  • Each expense is listed on a separate line item in this report. You can determine the expenses included on a single expense report by looking at the report key. The report key is a unique identifier for an expense report and becomes the invoice number in IFAS.

This report lists expense detail for fully approved P-Card expense reports. It includes the expense's cardholder, report name and key, business justification, expense type, purpose, PO/request number, amount, merchant, comments, and account key.

  • This report is available in Concur under the Credit Cards folder. (You may first need to select the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research folder.) 
  • All prompts are optional. 
  • You can limit your list of results by selecting the payment date range, expense type(s), cardholder(s), report key(s), and/or division(s). 
  • Note that the report key is a unique identifier for an expense report and becomes the invoice number in IFAS. 
  • Click the Finish button to run in an Excel format.

This report lists every active Travel Card holder, alphabetically by last name.

  • This report is available in Concur under the Credit Cards folder. (You may first need to select the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research folder.) 
  • It automatically runs in an Excel format.
  • The division columns in this report are populated by the cardholder's Concur Profile.

This report lists travel request detail for all travel requests. It includes the traveler, request name and ID, approval status, whether submitted by a delegate, amount, closed status, and the information entered on the Request Header (trip type, purpose, justification, comments, dates, final destination, division and account key, event code and name, and whether billable or No Cost.

  • This report is available in Concur under the Travel Request folder. (You may first need to select the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research folder.) 
  • All prompts are optional. 
  • You can limit your list of results by selecting the traveler(s), request ID(s), event code(s), creation date range, travel start date range, division(s), account key(s), and/or approval status. 
  • Click the Finish button to run in an Excel format.

This report is similar to the Travel Request Details report above but includes final destination city and country as optional prompts. It's available in Concur under the Travel Request folder. (You may first need to select the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research folder.)

Similar to the All Divisions Open Travel Summary report above, this report lists all open travel requests. However, this report shows the open travel requests in Concur and doesn't reflect encumbrances. (A travel request remains open in Concur until the entire approved amount is expensed, or until the travel request is closed in Concur.) It includes the request's traveler, division, name and ID, trip purpose and type, dates, and approved and remaining amounts.

  • This report is available in Concur under the Travel Request folder. (You may first need to select the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research folder.)
  • You are prompted to optionally select a division. 
  • Click the Finish button to run in an Excel format.
  • It's not required to close open travel requests in Concur. However, it could be helpful to close them for reporting and tracking purposes.