Table of Contents

What is a Delegate?

A delegate is an individual authorized to act on behalf of another person.

In Concur, there are four types of delegates:

Prepare Delegates

Prepare Delegates can create travel requests, create expense reports, and/or book travel on the employee’s behalf. Frequently, Travel Coordinators act as delegates for those they support.

Approve Delegates

Approve Delegates can approve travel requests and/or expense reports on the approver’s behalf.

Preview Delegates

Preview Delegates can review travel requests and/or expense reports for an approver. The Preview Delegate can either send back the request/report to the employee or notify the approver that they have reviewed it. The approver will still need to approve the travel requests and/or expense reports.

Reporting Delegates

Reporting Delegates have the same full access to the reporting functionality in Concur as the reporting lead named by the lab/program. For details about reports in Concur, visit the Reporting on Concur webpage. Note: Only two individuals can be identified as Reporting Delegates per reporting lead.

A delegate can be assigned to more than one employee and can hold multiple delegation roles. In Concur, delegation is not policy or funding specific. In other words, Prepare Delegates can process every type of expense report (Travel, Payment Request, and P-Card) on the employee’s behalf. In addition, Approve Delegates can approve for all accounts on the approver’s behalf. It is up to you and your delegate to identify guidelines, if needed, for when your delegate acts on your behalf.

Delegates for employees can only create expense reports; they cannot submit them on the employee's behalf. Employees must submit their own reports. Visit the Submitting Expense Reports guide for details.

Accessing Your Delegates Page

Go to and log in using your CIT credentials. You may want to bookmark this link for quick access to Concur next time – visit the Bookmarking Concur guide for details. 

Click your Profile menu in the upper right corner of your screen.

Click on the Profile Settings link.

Click either the Request Delegates or Expense Delegates link in the menu along the left side of your screen. (Both links take you to the same delegates list.)

If you already have delegates identified, they will appear here.

Adding Prepare Delegates

Click the Add button.

Search for the employee you wish to add as your delegate. You can search by name or email address.

Select your delegate from the resulting list.

Check the Can Prepare box. The Can View Receipts box automatically checks simultaneously. 

Check the Can Book Travel box if you would like your delegate to be able to do this on your behalf.

Check the Can Submit Requests box if you would like your delegate to be able to do this on your behalf.

Check the Receives Emails box. This allows your delegate to receive emails regarding your Concur tasks – such as status changes, request/report returns, and reminders. Your ability to receive these emails is not affected by checking this box. 

Click the Save button. A confirmation message appears. 

Adding Approve Delegates

Click the Add button.

Search for the employee you wish to add as your delegate. You can search by name or email address.

Select your delegate from the resulting list.

The following steps will only be possible if the person is already a supervisor, division/account key approver, or P-Card Approving Official.

Remember, you are responsible for anything your delegate approves on your behalf. 

Check the Can Approve box. To set an Approve Delegate for a temporary basis, check the Can Approve Temporary box and use the calendars to set the approval date range. The Can View Receipts box is automatically checked. 

Check the Receives Approval Emails box. This allows your delegate to receive emails regarding your Concur approval tasks – such as pending approvals and reminders. Your ability to receive these emails is not affected by checking this box. 

Click the Save button. A confirmation message appears. 

Adding Preview Delegates

Click the Add button.

Search for the employee you wish to add as your delegate. You can search by name or email address.

Select your delegate from the resulting list.

Check the Can Preview for Approver box. The Can View Receipts box automatically checks simultaneously.

Check the Receives Approval Emails box. This allows your delegate to receive emails regarding your Concur tasks – such as status changes, request/report returns, and reminders. Your ability to receive these emails is not affected by checking this box. 

Click the Save button. A confirmation message appears.

Adding Reporting Delegates

An Intelligence reporting license is required, which can be obtained by submitting a Request for Access. License holders may assign up to two reporting delegates, who then see the Intelligence option when acting as the delegator. 

Click the Add button.

Search for the employee you wish to add as your delegate. You can search by name or email address.

Select your delegate from the resulting list.

Check the Can Use Reporting box.

Click the Save button. A confirmation message appears. 

Deleting Delegates

Locate the delegate you want to remove.

Check the box to the left of the individual’s name.

Click the Delete button. 

A pop-up message appears for verification. Click the OK button. A confirmation message appears.